not be conquered

not be displaced

not be deceived

not be pillaged

be jaguars



Books travel without their authors. They cross oceans and borders. They wait on bookstore and library shelves. They pass from hand to hand. They step into readers’ imaginations and hearts. They extend their reach through reviews, interviews, retellings and overheard conversations. Most of these journeys—some of which will be forgotten, some of which will change people’s lives—will never be revealed to a book’s author. And this, we believe, is part of the power and beauty of books.

This website is meant to be a kind of rest stop for those who choose to travel with our book. Here you will find more information about us, the book, our friends and compañeros and about the work we do to respect and protect the Amazon rainforest, indigenous autonomy and territorial defense.

We invite you to stop by now and again, share the book and the site with your friends, family and colleagues, and join us in our work.

Authors and Family

–Nemonte Nenquimo and Mitch Anderson

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Authors and Family

Nemonte Nenquimo

Nemonte Nenquimo is a Waorani woman, mother and climate leader, who has dedicated her life to the defense of Indigenous ancestral territory and cultural survival in the Amazon rainforest. She is the co-founder of the Indigenous-led nonprofit organization Ceibo Alliance and Amazon Frontlines. As the first female president of the Waorani organization of Pastaza province, Nemonte led her people to a historic legal victory against the Ecuadorian government, which protected over half a million acres of primary rainforest in the Amazon from oil drilling and set a precedent for Indigenous rights across the region. She is the winner of the Goldman Environmental Prize for Central and South America 2020 and was named a TIME 100 Most Influential People in the World in the same year.

Mitch Anderson

Mitch Anderson is an environmental justice activist, human rights defender, writer, photographer, and father. He is the co-founder and Executive Director of Amazon Frontlines, a non-profit organization based in the Upper Amazon, which defends Indigenous peoples' rights to land, life, and cultural survival. For nearly two decades, he has worked and lived in Central and South America, fighting alongside Indigenous peoples for clean water and the rights to their ancestral lands. In 2011, he moved to Ecuador's northern Amazon to start a grassroots clean water project with Indigenous communities living downriver from contaminating oil operations. Through building more than 1,000 water systems in over 80 Indigenous villages, Mitch supported the founding of the Indigenous-led Ceibo Alliance that won the prestigious UN Equator Prize and whose victories for the Amazon rainforest have inspired millions worldwide.

Authors and Family


Authors and Family

June 6

Authors and Family

Sept 17


MEET THE PEOPLE And the place


A gift for you: Audio samples of the book read by the authors in Waorani and English.


Nemonte Nenquimo


Mitch Anderson

What people are saying

"Nemonte’s cause is all our cause."

Leonardo DiCaprio

"Truly soul-stirring, Nemonte’s book is a radical manifesto for our times."

Vanessa Kirby

"If you want to understand the climate crisis and do something about it, read this book."

Emma Thompson

"An act of story-telling generosity unlike any other."

Nathalie Kelley

"One of the most effective leaders for indigenous rights and environmental justice."

Laurene Powell Jobs

"Many are the memoirs that profess to tell untold stories, but here that claim is watertight."

Fiona Sturges, The Guardian

"...a rarely seen, first-hand insight into a childhood spent in the Amazon rainforest and the extraordinary story of her fight to save it from the oil companies."

Rowan Hooper, Author & Senior Editor of The New Scientist

"This incredible memoir is one of the most spiritual and mind-broadening I have ever read."

Caroline Sanderson, Associate Editor of The Bookseller

""a profoundly generous offering. She shares precious joy and love, loss and struggle, and gives us much more than a book, but a living thing."

Cameron Russell


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We Will Be Jaguars