To our relatives in the Brazilian Amazon,
From the Ecuadorian Amazon we are witnessing with horror and pain the tragedy that is taking place in Brazil. We stand in solidarity with you. We are all fighting for the freedom of the forests, our people and our future generations to live in harmony and peace!
We feel your pain and you are not alone in this fight. Stay strong!
As indigenous women, we call upon the international community to support indigenous people of the Amazon!
Noemi Gualinga Leader of the women’s association of the Kichwa People of Sarayaku
“To my dear sisters and brothers living in the Brazilian Amazon, we are thinking of you, your children, the living forest, all the animals, the rivers and the sacred trees. We have to hold governments and multinational companies responsible. They are the ones responsible for the destruction of the Amazon rainforest! Even if they are destroying the forest, our voices shall be heard and it is in this moment where we need to stay united so we can be stronger together. You are not alone! We stand with you all the way from the Ecuadorian Amazon.”

Noemi Gualinga Leader of the women’s association of the Kichwa People of Sarayaku
“To my dear sisters and brothers living in the Brazilian Amazon, we are thinking of you, your children, the living forest, all the animals, the rivers and the sacred trees. We have to hold governments and multinational companies responsible. They are the ones responsible for the destruction of the Amazon rainforest! Even if they are destroying the forest, our voices shall be heard and it is in this moment where we need to stay united so we can be stronger together. You are not alone! We stand with you all the way from the Ecuadorian Amazon.”
Isabel Wisum Former vice president of the Achuar Nation
“Dear women in Brazil, you have our full support in Ecuador, we are sending you strength. Our hearts and spirits are with you! Do not stop fighting, don’t surrender! We, indigenous women defend our territories, our forests, our life. Never give up!”

Isabel Wisum Former vice president of the Achuar Nation
“Dear women in Brazil, you have our full support in Ecuador, we are sending you strength. Our hearts and spirits are with you! Do not stop fighting, don’t surrender! We, indigenous women defend our territories, our forests, our life. Never give up!”
Salome Aranda Women‘s leader of Morete Cocha
“For us, indigenous women of the Amazon, the forest is our source of life. Without the forest, we cannot live. The whole world depends upon the Amazon rainforest. All the way from Ecuador, we stand in solidarity with our indigenos relatives in Brazil. We are sending you strength to keep fighting, to keep strong! To the government of Brazil: It is time to put an end to this destruction! Your life and your family depends on the Amazon too. The whole world is watching.”

Salome Aranda Women‘s leader of Morete Cocha
“For us, indigenous women of the Amazon, the forest is our source of life. Without the forest, we cannot live. The whole world depends upon the Amazon rainforest. All the way from Ecuador, we stand in solidarity with our indigenos relatives in Brazil. We are sending you strength to keep fighting, to keep strong! To the government of Brazil: It is time to put an end to this destruction! Your life and your family depends on the Amazon too. The whole world is watching.”
Nancy Santi Leader of the Kichwa people of Kawsak Sacha
“As a woman of the Amazon rainforest I feel the pain of the earth, of the animals and all living beings of the forest. I have cried, because the indigenous people of Brazil are our relatives, our brothers and sisters. What is happening to the world? How are we going to fight climate change? What are the governments doing? The governments of the world have to take responsibility and stop this destruction immediately. Brothers and sisters of Brazil, we feel your pain. We are standing with you and we send all our strength!”

Nancy Santi Leader of the Kichwa people of Kawsak Sacha
“As a woman of the Amazon rainforest I feel the pain of the earth, of the animals and all living beings of the forest. I have cried, because the indigenous people of Brazil are our relatives, our brothers and sisters. What is happening to the world? How are we going to fight climate change? What are the governments doing? The governments of the world have to take responsibility and stop this destruction immediately. Brothers and sisters of Brazil, we feel your pain. We are standing with you and we send all our strength!”
Rosa Gualinga Chuji Leader of the Shiwiar women’s association
“As women we defend our forest, we are fighting for our children and grandchildren, for all humankind. We ask the world to stand with us, to protect the Amazon and defend the Brazilian rainforest! We ask the world to support indigenous people! Relatives of Brazil, as a women of the Shiwiar people I will continue praying and singing our sacred songs to give you strength! We are one heart! Let’s fight this together.”

Rosa Gualinga Chuji Leader of the Shiwiar women’s association
“As women we defend our forest, we are fighting for our children and grandchildren, for all humankind. We ask the world to stand with us, to protect the Amazon and defend the Brazilian rainforest! We ask the world to support indigenous people! Relatives of Brazil, as a women of the Shiwiar people I will continue praying and singing our sacred songs to give you strength! We are one heart! Let’s fight this together.”
Nemonte Nenquimo Waorani leader of CONCONAWEP
“Bolsonaro, From where do you breathe? Bolsonaro needs to think about that, not just about industry and taking advantage of the land. Little by little what is happening in Brazil is destroying the air. As women of the Amazon we will never stay quiet. We will keep talking, keep pronouncing. We will keep using our voices that should be respected!”

Nemonte Nenquimo Waorani leader of CONCONAWEP
“Bolsonaro, From where do you breathe? Bolsonaro needs to think about that, not just about industry and taking advantage of the land. Little by little what is happening in Brazil is destroying the air. As women of the Amazon we will never stay quiet. We will keep talking, keep pronouncing. We will keep using our voices that should be respected!”
Sandra Illanes Leader of the community of Raya Yaku
“I stand in solidarity with the women of Brazil offering my energy and strength as a woman. It pains to see all the suffering of the people, to see the death of animals and plants. I ask the world to support our relatives in Brazil who are suffering this catastrophe!”

Sandra Illanes Leader of the community of Raya Yaku
“I stand in solidarity with the women of Brazil offering my energy and strength as a woman. It pains to see all the suffering of the people, to see the death of animals and plants. I ask the world to support our relatives in Brazil who are suffering this catastrophe!”
Photo credits: Santiago Cornejo, Melissa Cartagena, Amazon Frontlines